2024 Primary Election

2024 Primary Election

Not sure who to vote for? We got you covered.

Cheat Sheet

Explanations for endorsements are below.

United States House of Representatives

Julie Lythcott-Haims

California State Assembly

Marc Berman

Alex Lee

Gail Pellerin

Robert Rivas

Santa Clara County

Sally Lieber

Endorsement Explanations

United States House of Representatives


California's 16th Congressional District

Julie Lythcott-Haims

Julie Lythcott-Haims has been a been a strong voice for housing, calling it one of the social justice issues of our days, as a community leader in Santa Clara County and as a member of council in Palo Alto. As a Palo Alto councilmember, Julie has worked to raise height limits, increase density and FAR in some neighborhoods, and expanded the city's safe parking program. As a member of Congress, Julie will fight for legislation that advances the housing/transit/climate nexus, expands housing vouchers, and increases the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program.

Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY
  • Peninsula for Everyone

California State Assembly


California State Assembly District 23

Marc Berman

Marc Berman is a proud, full-throated supporter of landmark housing legislation to end exclusionary zoning. With roots in Palo Alto, Assemblymember Berman understands that it is not sustainable for communities to keep saying ‘no’ to new housing as the housing crisis continues. Assemblymember Berman believes in supporting cities to build the homes their communities so desperately need.

Assemblymember Berman has supported and co-authored bills that generate new funding for affordable housing, that streamline the approval process of certain urban infill projects, and that set baseline standards for zoning. With his in-depth technical expertise and legislative skill, Assemblymember Berman is helping the state make huge strides in ending the housing crisis.

Endorsing chapters
  • Peninsula for Everyone
  • South Bay YIMBY

California State Assembly District 24

Alex Lee

Alex Lee continues to bring much-needed perspective as a renter and a Gen Z leader in the Assembly. Legislative wins in the last year include AB 835, which allows the state to explore single-stair buildings, a successful prototype for affordable missing middle homes all over the world that currently isn't allowed per the California Building code.

He is a champion for all of the above strategies, from bills to improve housing production to social housing.

Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY
  • East Bay YIMBY
Gail Pellerin

California State Assembly District 28

Gail Pellerin

Gail Pellerin joined the state assembly in 2022 after many years serving as the Santa Cruz County Clerk. She is committed to finding policy solutions to create more housing for the middle class, increase funding for low-income and supportive housing, and improve public transit and active transportation infrastructure to make our cities more climate friendly.

Endorsing chapters
  • Santa Cruz YIMBY
  • South Bay YIMBY

California State Assembly District 29

Robert Rivas

Speaker Robert Rivas is a true housing champion in the Legislature. He has prioritized and championed housing since taking over as Speaker and has consistently been a strong voice for housing abundance in his time in Sacramento. He is deeply committed to safe, affordable housing for all of his constituents from middle-class families to farmworkers.

Endorsing chapters
  • Santa Cruz YIMBY
  • South Bay YIMBY

Santa Clara County

South Bay YIMBY endorses Sally Lieber for Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors District 5.

Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors District 5

Sally Lieber

Over the past 25 years, Sally Lieber has been a Mountain View city councilmember, state assemblymember, member of the state Board of Equalization, and consistent champion of pro-housing reforms and tenant protections. Sally told us:

I am proud of having been an integral part of changing our City Council in Mountain View to be truly pro-housing. Some of the changes that I am most proud of include approving new housing to replace parking sheds, mobilehome rent control, safe parking, ADU and JADU standards that actually encourage ADUs and JADUs and do not impose excess parking and paving requirements, parking minimum reductions, and approving redevelopment of disused industrial sites for housing.
Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY

San Jose

South Bay YIMBY endorses Vanessa Sandoval for San Jose City Council District 2.

San Jose City Council District 2

Vanessa Sandoval

As Chief of Staff for the outgoing District 2 councilmember, Vanessa has worked on emergency interim housing solutions, passing San Jose’s tenant protection ordinance, and bringing San Jose’s Housing Element into compliance. She supports “by-right” permitting and working with transit agencies to build more housing at transit stations. Vanessa told us:

San Jose is in a housing crisis. We must take action and utilize every tool available to prevent displacement, build more housing, protect our affordable housing stock, and provide safe shelter to all.
Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY
South Bay YIMBY endorses David Cohen for San Jose City Council District 4.

San Jose City Council District 4

David Cohen

During his time on Council, David has championed clearing the way for building tens of thousands of new homes in North San Jose. David has also supported more building density near BART and along the light rail corridor, tenant protections including the right to legal counsel, and the preservation of Measure E funding for affordable housing. In his questionnaire, David told us:

The lack of affordable housing is the biggest crisis in our community. It leads to increased homelessness and prices our children out of the area. We must dedicate ourselves to building housing at all price points to address this issue.
Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY
South Bay YIMBY endorses Alex Shoor for San Jose City Council District 6.

San Jose City Council District 6

Alex Shoor

Alex Shoor is the Executive Director of the community nonprofit Catalyze SV, served for 8 years as a City of San Jose Housing & Community Development Commissioner, and has a record of showing up to support housing across the region. Alex’s priorities include building more housing, especially affordable housing; creating mixed-use, walkable, transit-oriented communities that are sustainable and vibrant; and ensuring greater stability for renters.

Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY

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